Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 16, 2007

No more binkys!

Well, we have decided to phase out the pacifier. She will be starting daycare Oct 8 and I don't want to have to worry about those when she goes. She was only using it for sleeping anyway. We tried it last night...she was fine without it. Whoo hoo!

So, by blogging this I'm devulging some somewhat strange behavior on my part. I like clean feet. I try to do no shoes in the house so I can walk around barefoot. I just don't like the feeling of dirty feet...weird, I know. Well, I have started to wipe down Annabelle's feet before naps so she doesn't get her sheets and/or sleepsack dirty. I've only done it a few times....I promise! Well, she must have picked up on it because she now wipes her feet with baby wipes if she can get a hold of the package of wipes. What have I created????

Annabelle cleaning her feet

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