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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bodily Functions

That's right folks, Annabelle is aware of her bodily functions. She thinks burps and farts are funny and even trys to fart on purpose. I'm not lying. I'm partly to blame for this because I encourage her by laughing. She also says "poo poo" when she poos. That is thanks to grandpa who taught her that word while they were visiting for Thanksgiving.

We've had a rough few days with Annabelle...she has been waking up and NOT going back to sleep. Paul actually got up with her Tuesday morning at 4am because she refused to go back to sleep and wanted to play. It's all very strange. I hope it doesn't happen on Thursday night, as Paul and I are headed up to Baltimore for the night for Paul's Company's Christmas party. Goody and Poppy will be staying the night, so I pray for a good night of sleep for them.

We got our Christmas tree and decorated this last weekend. The house looks lovely and Annabelle takes great fun in shaking the tree. Darn those real trees...tehre are needles everywhere already. We did put all of the breakable ornaments towards the top of tree, thank goodness, as she has also taken to taking them off and playing with them. I found an ornament in her shape sorter box today.

We've been a little slow on pictures since Thanksgiving. I promise to take some in the next few days. We just feel like suddenly things have gotten oh so busy.

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