Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Where the heck are those teeth?

Well, Annabelle is in full throttle for teething. It's been drool city here lately....even getting the front of her jammies wet. I hope they pop out feels like this has been going on forever, well off and on for the last 3 months. I hear that sometimes teething causes diarrhea and symptoms of colds. Well, that must be true. I don't believe she is sick but she sure is congested a wee bit and has had a few messier than normal diapers. We'll see! She has also been a bit fussy at night and has been waking up in the middle of the night.

Tonight mom and dad are getting to go see a movie and go out to eat. Goody and Poppy will watch our girl. We like having family so close by. I don't know how people w/o family nearby do it.

We finally have all of Annabelle's new toys out of their boxes and ready to be played with. We got a few that are 2+ so she will have to wait a year or so to play with them. One of daddie's new gifts (from goody) was a tiny camcorder. This thing is way cool. We've been playing with it a bit and will be sharing videos ASAP!

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