On Sunday we went to the park and played in the swings and slides. Then we went to Goody and Poppy's house for dinner. She loved the swings!
Annabelle can now say the number 2 and "more." The nanny told us she could say it b I didn't believe until we heard it. If you say "1" Annabelle will follow with "2." She is also saying more. Her vocabulary is certainly growing. We have this toy...it's a magnet fishing pole with magnetized fish. It takes some major hand and eye coordination for a child to use it the proper way. Well, she picked that up this week. She loves "fishing" with her pole. She is very good at it.
Here are some pictures from the last few days....
Zoo Pictures:
Annabelle excited about the prarie dogs:

Petting the animals:

Pointing at the small mammal exhibit:

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