So far, working part time is going great. Annabelle seems to really enjoy spending time with the nanny and other baby.
On Thursday, Auntie Mary flew in for a fun filled visit. Thursday we did some shopping at Tysons Corner. Annabelle got out of there with 2 new pairs of sketcher shoes. She actually did a little jig in the daughter, like mom? We'll see...Paul is worried about the checking account! On Saturday, dad watched Annabelle while Mary and I shopped again (shocker!). That night we all went to the Redskins preseason game. It was a very wet experience. It started pouring, along wiht lightening, about an hour before the game was supposed to start. The game was delayed so we hung out in the car...not so fun. We finally got into the stadium and started enjoying the game. At the beginning of the 3rd quarter, it again began to storm with lightening. We decided it was finally time to head home and got DRENCHED on the walk back to the car. On Sunday we went to brunch at our favorite little mexican restaurant. All in all, a fun weekend.
Annabelle...oh, Annabelle...where do I start with her. Her new favorite activity is climbing on the furniture and her new favorite word is "NO!." I kid you not...she is saying no. I was sitting with her in the backseat and was resting my arm on the carseat and she pushed it off and said no. I couldn't believe it. She is saying it a lot now. Additionally, I can no longer leave her alone in the living room as she has discovered how to climb the furniture. Not good, I tell you!
Here are some pictures from Mary's visit.
Mary reading to Annabelle:
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