Sorry for the recent lack of posts. It's been a combination of being busy and my computer power cord dying AGAIN. I am still awaiting a part so I'm on Paul's computer right now (he's going through computer withdrawls as we speak). I don't have any of my pictures on his computer, so those will have to wait.
Last week we went to Stephanie and Belle's place for a lovely playgroup. The weekend was busy getting ready for going back to work.
I started working this week! So far, so good. I feel a little guilty that I'm enjoying it. So far, Annabelle enjoys the nanny. She will start going to daycare in October sometime. Until then, we have a nanny.
On Tuesday night Aunt Christina paid a short visit to the DC area. We had a nice dinner with her and Goody. Today I was off so I went on a long walk with some friends. I'm back to work one day tomorrow then off for the weekend.
I think working part time will be just the right mix for me.
Annabelle is really goofy. She is now putting on her shoes and brushing her hair (pictures forthcoming). She loves yelling into the phone, pretending that she's talking. She is also loving to look through books and turn pages on her own. She points to things and babbles, like she is trying to read. She has several solid words now, including mama, dada, ball, doggie, and touchdown (don't ask!). She'll also say "hello" into the phone and "uh oh" at the appropriate time, usually when she drops something.
She absolutely adores Bailey and tries to feed him her snacks and give him his toys. He is very patient with her.