Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 13, 2006

Getting on with it!

Ok...finally felt the final bit of guilt that our dear cousins Todd and Blanka have managed to send out their blog and here sits this one still. I'm working on it. Enough about that. From here on out, everyday either Paul or I will post something about Annabelle and what she has been up to.

Today she was a really good girl. I stayed home to get some things done around the house. She took 2 solid naps and at the end of the day, she fell asleep on my shoulder. I gave her a bath tonight. She doesn't get one everyday, though. For the first time she actually seemed to enjoy the water. She usually crys a little bit. But not tonight! She sat by herself and splashed the water with her hands. She tried to play with the rubber yellow ducky too.

She continues to love her exersaucer, and mommy is glad because it gives her time to get something done.

Some of you have asked how she is doing with Bailey and vice versa. Well, she laughs at him and tries to pull his beard. He reacts by licking her all over.

That's all for tonight!

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