Here are the highlights from the last month....
Annabelle has a few sentences now..."What's that?", "Where's the ...", "All done" and "All Gone." Her vocabulary is really growing. She has a puzzle with letters and is starting to recognize letters. She is also mommy and daddy's little helper. She loves to help put dishes away and clean up her toys. And, like mother like daughter, she'll bring you a coaster for your drink and put her shoes by the door. It's proof to us that children really do watch their parents and copy them.
We went to Kilmarnock, VA this last weekend for a little get away. It was nice to take a little road trip. Annabelle enjoyed the country and especially the water fowl/decoy festival where she enjoyed looking the artfully crafted decoys.
Tonight we went to a little coffee shop with Goody and Poppy to listen to a very good Irish band. Annabelle enjoyed the music and making friends with other children.
Pictures are below!
At the water fowl festival:

Looking out the window in the country:

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