Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ultrasound Pics
Just in case you missed the email, here are the ultrasound pictures. We had the ultrasound on March 17th. And no, we don't know the sex yet..probably in about 6 weeks, hopefully!

First Haircut!
Annabelle had her first haircut this week (yes, I've been resisting). She DID NOT like it. She sat on my lap and the cape scared her, hence I got hair all over me. The ladies at the Hair Cuttery couldn't have been nicer or more patient and did better than I ever could in that situation with a crying, squirming baby. She really needed it...as much as I want her hair long, it had never been cut and was a bit scraggly in the back. It is shaped now so I'm thinking it will grow in nicely.
Here is a picture:
Here is a picture:

Happy Easter (belated!)
Hope everyone had a nice Easter! The weather here was beautiful! We started the day off with church. We came home and I made a big breakfast of crepes and turkey bacon..yum! Later on, Goody and Poppy came over for dinner with the ham. I made carrots and mashed potatos. It was a very tasty dinner! Afterwards, we took a walk and Annabelle had fun at the playground. We have lots of playgrounds near our house which Annabelle just LOVES. Here is a picture of her in her Easter dress outside in the backyard. Speaking of which, she absolutely LOVES going outside. I am so thankful we have a nice backyard for her to play in. Paul put a lot of work into the grass last year and it's coming in really nice now! I will actually venture to say it's lush! We just need to keep a handle on the weeds this summer!

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Wow....I can't believe it's been a month since we posted. We've been super busy with a few sicknesses in between. I had the flu and Annabelle has had few colds. Ahhh...winter. I am so glad it's spring!
Here are the highlights from the last month....
Annabelle has a few sentences now..."What's that?", "Where's the ...", "All done" and "All Gone." Her vocabulary is really growing. She has a puzzle with letters and is starting to recognize letters. She is also mommy and daddy's little helper. She loves to help put dishes away and clean up her toys. And, like mother like daughter, she'll bring you a coaster for your drink and put her shoes by the door. It's proof to us that children really do watch their parents and copy them.
We went to Kilmarnock, VA this last weekend for a little get away. It was nice to take a little road trip. Annabelle enjoyed the country and especially the water fowl/decoy festival where she enjoyed looking the artfully crafted decoys.
Tonight we went to a little coffee shop with Goody and Poppy to listen to a very good Irish band. Annabelle enjoyed the music and making friends with other children.
Pictures are below!
At the water fowl festival:

Looking out the window in the country:
Here are the highlights from the last month....
Annabelle has a few sentences now..."What's that?", "Where's the ...", "All done" and "All Gone." Her vocabulary is really growing. She has a puzzle with letters and is starting to recognize letters. She is also mommy and daddy's little helper. She loves to help put dishes away and clean up her toys. And, like mother like daughter, she'll bring you a coaster for your drink and put her shoes by the door. It's proof to us that children really do watch their parents and copy them.
We went to Kilmarnock, VA this last weekend for a little get away. It was nice to take a little road trip. Annabelle enjoyed the country and especially the water fowl/decoy festival where she enjoyed looking the artfully crafted decoys.
Tonight we went to a little coffee shop with Goody and Poppy to listen to a very good Irish band. Annabelle enjoyed the music and making friends with other children.
Pictures are below!
At the water fowl festival:

Looking out the window in the country:

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