She loves school. According to Paul, who takes her in the morning, as soon as she gets dressed she immediately runs to the coat rack and starts to point at her coat and says "shoes" "shoes." If you ask her if she wants to go to school, she vigoursly shakes her head yes. She is also putting her own clothes in her dirty clothes hamper in her room. We are starting to work on her learning how to put her own toys away.
Her hair is LONG and now it's a game for how long we can go w/o cutting it. She still hasn't had a first haircut and now I am resisting cutting it.
Her words now: B (for bailey), cheese, apple, nana (for banana), Elmo, poo poo, milk, hi, bye bye, book, blocks, bubbles, cracker, night night, football, ball, baby, snacks, shoes, more, and of course, mommy, daddy, and her own name, Annabelle. Currently, we are working on please and thank you. Additionally, she is starting to count....only to 3, but hey, it's a good start!
Another funny thing she this morning. Paul was reading Cindarella to her and on the last page where there is a picture of Cindarella and the Prince, she pointed to the the prince and said "Daddy" and pointed to Cindarella, she said "Mommy." I guess she understands the concept of a couple and or love. I'm thinking that's a good thing.
Here are some recent pictures:
Combing my hair!

Solving a puzzle....

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