So, Annabelle is a major goofball. We have taught her to "blow kisses." This consists of her putting her hand in her mouth and then making the blow kiss gesture with a little bit of sound. She loves doing it and has been doing it ALL day. We need to capture it on video. She is also starting to learn how to show affection. What I mean by that is that she'll go over to Bailey and nuzzle against him waiting for him to give her a kiss, or lick. She is very fond of Bailey. Another thing she is doing lately is mimicking. I have noticed her trying to mimick things that we say. I swear she said "wha dat" while I was putting blueberries on her tray. She's got all the motor skills down...I guess the next big thing will be being a little chatterbox. If her babbling is any indication, she will be chatty.
Here are some pictures of Annabelle with my sunglasses, which she will demand to have if she sees them.
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