This weekend we visited with Auntie Betty and Auntie Jill. They are Paul's aunts, making them Annabelle's great aunts. On Friday Aunt Betty came in from NYC. We all went out to dinner then came back to our place to hang out. In the morning, Aunt Betty woke up with Annabelle, allowing us to sleep in...what a treat! Later that day we took a walk around Del Ray, stopping at the farmers market. We picked up some tasty peaches, cantaloupe, and squash from some local farmers. Aunt Betty chopped up some peaches and was SO good. We need to remember to get fruit there more often. I usually buy squash and fresh cheese.
Later that night, we joined Aunt Jill and Aunt Betty along with Goody for dinner. Goody cooked crab cakes (I got a steak!). I made a blueberry pie. I'm trying to perfect my pie crust. It was good but I still have more practice ahead of me. My mom used to make the best flaky pie crusts when I was little.
Annabelle...well, she is definitely miss personality. I used to be able to spend the morning watching her and playing with a little bit of computer time for myself. Not anymore...If I'm on my computer longer than about 10 min she pitches a fit and wants me to play with her. She really loves Bailey. She knows exactly which toys are hers and what are Bailey's. She'll actually bring Bailey's stuffed possum to him to try to play. It really is quite cute. I never wanted to have a child who was afraid of dogs. That's not a good thing, in my book anyway. I'm so happy that they seem to really like each other and even play together sometimes. Bailey is a good dog and I don't give him enough credit sometimes.
She is loving to point at things now. I say "where is the light?" and she points at it. I ask here where Bailey is and she points at him. She'll also point upstairs if I ask her where daddy is because that's where he works everyday. She's a lucky girl...gets to see her daddy a lot! She loves playing with her little farmhouse. Below is a pic of her and daddy playing.
We are working on getting a video of her blowing kisses. When we get it, we'll post it.
Daddy playing with Annabelle and her Farm

Out on a walk

Playing around