We had a nice weekend full of visitors. On Saturday we took a nice long walk and had breakfast out. Later that day Carey, Eric, and Cailey came over. Cailey and Annabelle had a fun time playing together and swapping sippy cups. On Sunday, Cousins Todd, Blanka, and Julia came over. We cooked a lovely lunch of salad, summer tart with Arugula, Prosciutto, and carmelized onions. Todd made a tasty angel food cake for desert. Yummy Food! We ate so much that we didn't need dinner.
Annabelle is Miss Piggy these days. She is eating a TON!!! I think she is going through a growth spurt as a lot of her clothes that fit last week no longer fit. Time for another trip up to the attic to store some more clothes. There are already 4 HUGE boxes of clothes up there. Where does the time go? My baby isn't a baby anymore...she's definitely a toddler. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....she's growing too fast.
Holding Hands...


Group Pic...
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