She went down a bit in percentile for weight. Doctor said it was no biggie. They expect to see a drop at either the 12 month or 15 month checkup. Babies at this age are so active that they are burning a lot of calories. Yes, that's true...Annabelle is very active and is into everything. She is starting to climb things now. Not good...I was in the kitchen and heard a thump. She had climbed the entry way piece and had Paul's sunglasses in her hand. She had taken a small tumble and that was what I had heard. Ay yay yay...another thing to watch out for now.
Yesterday, we had party #3. We had a joint birthday playgroup with another May baby. It was a Pony Girl theme including cowboy hats. Pictures are below.
Today we went to Gymboree. We are in the 9:30am class, which is right in the middle of Annabelle's naptime. She is so out of it during class because of being tired. So, I decided to change her to the Wed at noon class. I hope that does better for her.
Tomorrow is swimming!

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