Well...it's been a pretty crappy week. The snow from Tuesday turned into ice. I mean ice,too. You can't step through the snow..it's frozen solid. Then Tuesday night at around 11pm Paul got really sick. He spent all night Tuesday and most of Wednesday getting sick. Because of things, I didn't feel comfortable taking Annabelle out in case we were carrying germs. So, we skipped Annabelle's friend Megan's Valentines Day Party on Wednesday and then Gymboree on Thursday. It's hard to get out anyway because everything is frozen. Paul has finally recuperated...poor guy. There has been a nasty bug going around...a stomach virus called norovirus. He was back up to fighting speed yesterday morning.
The school system closed for 3 days...including today. Our swim class follows that schedule, so, class was cancelled today. We will be going to Zoe's first birthday party today and it's a Valentine's theme so hopefully Annabelle can still give out her valentines.
Here is a picture from yesterday. We took the sled out.
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