On Friday, we had Annabelle's birthday playgroup with all of our mom group friends. Everyone ate and played to their hearts content! Annabelle and her friend Belle celebrated together as their birthdays are close together.
On Saturday Aunt Betty got in from New York. We all went over to Goody and Poppy's house for dinner. On Sunday, all of the prep started for the birthday party. We got the fruit and cupcakes done along with the dips and burgers. We were glad Aunt Betty was here to help! The party started at 2pm just as Annabelle was waking up from her nap. We had most of the Kover clan here, along with a few Crutchfields and Goody and Poppy too! Uncle Mike (Annabelle's Godfather) and our neighbors Chris and Theresa made it here as well. It was a lot of fun and Annabelle got some really nice gifts.
Here are some pictures from Tuesday:
New Tricycle:

New Golf set: