Annabelle's vocabulary keeps on growing. She is fairly good at expressing what she wants. New words inlcude cup, fork, pizza and peas. She continues to be a picky eater at home, however, she eats everything at daycare. She gets quit a variety there however, when we offer her new things at home she won't eat them. I guess it's the peer pressure at school. Speaking of which , she LOVES school. Even on her days away from school, come about 8:45am she is stir crazy...points outside and says "coat coat coat." She wants to go!
Pinkeye was going around her room at school and after 2 weeks, she finally came down with it, accompanied by her first ear infection. Thus, her first time on antibiotics. Not too bad considering she's almost 2. She's been a very healthy little girl.
She loves her puzzles. She has this fishing, magnetic puzzle thing. I thought it would be harder for her to get the pieces back in because there are no pictures and the fish all look the same, but lo and behold, she has solved it. I was going to save it for a while since it said 3+ for the age, but decided to get it out. She's so smart!
Pictures below!
John and Annabelle lovin!

Solving her fish puzzle: