Auntie Mary flew in on Friday night to see Annabelle...well, and Paul and Celeste, too, we think! On Friday night Mary and I joined up with Beth for a girls night dinner in Old Town. On Saturday, everyone went to the cherry blossom festival. We had a great time...the weather was beautiful and the blossoms were gorgeous. The area was bit crowded, but we managed just fine. On Sunday, Mary and I went to a small town south of DC for some shopping. We had afternoon tea at a cute place called "The Pink Bicycle." On Monday, more shopping, but this time to designer stores in Chevy Chase. We had a great time, and as usual, Annabelle is a wonderful baby to take wherever we go. As long as she can see what's going on, she's happy.
On the Annabelle front, she started doing something new this weekend...peek a boo and to a small extent, waving. It is very cute and she gets a big kick out of hiding under something and then bolting out from it. She is ALMOST walking...she has beend standing on her own alot and took a few small steps on her own this weekend..small steps between pieces of furniture. Mary is betting she'll be walking within the week...we shall see.
Here are some pics from the weekend.
Annabelle loves the blossoms

Celeste, Mary, and Annabelle at the Festival