Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, March 30, 2007

Goofy Girl

Annabelle is developing quite the personality. When awake, she must CONSTANTLY be on the move. She will still sit in the stroller as long as it's moving and she can see things. I absolutely love watching her discover new things. I do patty cake with her. She is beginning to anticipate things. She know nows that at some point I write a "B" on her stomach. So, as we approach that part of the poem, she starts to giggle and push my hands away, knowing I'm about to do that.

She LOVES pushing her little toy around, practicing walking. We think she'll be walking in no time. She also love crawling to the stairs and crawling up them...don't worry...she doesn't do it alone...I watch her and make sure she doesn't fall down.

She has this cookies she loves..but boy oh boy do they make a mess. Here is a picture:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Beth Visits

We had a nice visit with Beth this weekend. I picked her up at the airport on Saturday. Since she was on an airplane for so long, we decided to grill out and hang out at our house. On Sunday we went shopping...she wanted to try out some stuff at babies r us and then we went to the maternity store so she could get some clothes. On Sunday night we went to PF Changs for dinner. Then on Monday we got manis and pedis then off to her hotel. We'll see her again this coming weekend. Here is a picture of Beth with Annabelle.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Annabelle's first trip to Dulles Airport

It's been another busy week in the Crutchfield household. We had Gymboree on Thursday and Skylar's 1st birthday party on Friday. Pictures coming soon.

Today I will go to Dulles to pick up my friend Beth. She is in town from England for a conference. She'll stay with us until Monday. I am very excited to see her 6 month preggo belly and she's excited to meet Annabelle. Paul is outside as we speak working on the yard. We killed off all the grass because it was mostly weeds. We have the whole yard fenced off from Bailey except for a small portion in the mulch for him to do his thing. Paul will aerate and then put down top soil this weekend. Next weekend he'll hopefully be able to get the seed down followed with hay for protection. Hopefully by May we'll have some nice new grass and a cleaned up backyard. I love hanging out back there but it's a mess!

It was raining earlier and now it's dark and dreary....yuck!

Here is a picture of Annabelle and her walker. She is really motoring around with it now.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fun Trip!

This last weekend we went to Virginia Beach. I ran the St. Paddy's Day 8k on Saturday. We left Thursday and stopped in Williamsburg to have dinner with friends Nick and Sarah.
On Friday I checked into my race expo to get my race packet then we headed back up to Williamsburg for Nick's 40th birthday party. We stayed just a bit and headed back to the hotel so I could get some sleep for my race. The race went really well and my pace was quicker than it had been...even with the crazy wind against us the last 2 miles along the boardwalk. I ran with my buddy Kathleen. After the race we checked out of the hotel and headed back up to Williamsburg to hang out with Nick and Sarah the rest of the weekend. Below are some pictures. What's new with Annabelle...well, she's giving kisses. Seriously...if you say "kiss" she'll open her mouth and put it to your cheek. It's so darn cute. She is REALLY getting around now...almost walking. She's becoming a pro at climbing stairs. I teach her how to go down them too...feet first, of course. I'm trying to increase her variety of solids...she likes grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese.

Me and Kathleen before the race:

Crossing the finish line:

Post race breakfast:

Sarah and Annabelle

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Long Week!

Well, sorry for the lack of posts. It's been a long week. On Wednesday I watched my friends baby, Parker. Parker and Annabelle get along really well and she is very interested in his walking abilities.
On Thursday we had Gymboree class and then coffee with some of my mom buddies. Doing coffee is starting to get more difficult as the babies are so mobile and don't really want to sit in their strollers or on their mommies laps. Also, they are all eating cheerios, etc so now we are starting to make messes wherever we go. Alas, perhaps the days of coffeehouses are over...maybe we should start having moms coffees at people's houses!
On Friday we had our last day of swimming. The pictures we took last week didn't come out. It was one of those disposable waterproof cameras and I think that it didn't work because it didn't have a flash. Everyone, including me, brought our real cameras on Friday so below are some pictures.

On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night Annabelle experienced some massive teething issues. Her first 2 teeth on the bottom came in without too many issues and pain. However, this time, she has been miserable. Up at night, all night, mostly crying in pain. On Friday night she even ran a got all the way up to 102. YIKES! So, we gave her a cool bath and some tylenol and it went away. She woke up Saturday morning with 102 temp again. It went down and she pretty much stayed feverless all day. She did wake up several times Saturday night but didn't seem to get a fever that high. It did get up to 100.5, though. Man, rough times. So, I sit here somewhat exhausted. I hope those teeth come in soon so this stops. I hear that the molars are the worst...not really looking forward to that.

Group Picture:

Mom and Annabelle getting ready to get into the pool

Annabelle chatting with Megan

Monday, March 05, 2007

Weekend Fun.

This past weekend was very nice. The weather on Saturday was spring like so we decided to take in Alexandria's St. Patrick's Day parade. Annabelle really seemed to be interested in the loud bands and dancing girls. Below are some pictures. Sunday we just hung out around the was considerably colder on Sunday. Today I had a babysitting swap with my friend Carolyn. I used my free 2 hours to go to Costco and get my car cleaned. Yes, I know....very exciting.

Family Picture

Irish Dancers

Taking it all in

Friday, March 02, 2007

Time Flies!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since Monday. Annabelle keeps us so busy.
I guess another reason is that my computer power adapter broke so I haven't been able to get on the computer in a few days.

It's been a normal week here...nothing too out of the ordinary. Thursday we went to Gymboree class and today we had swimming. We had a special treat today...Daddy came along. We have some video that we will upload today some time. I bought a waterproof camera so I hope the pictures from that turn out well. It will be a few days before you all see the pictures because of the fact they aren't digital (gasp!).