In my mom's group we have a wide variety of ages. We all met at the new moms group at the hospital and quickly became friends. The babies range from birthdays in Dec 05 to July 06. Thus, we are starting to celebrate 1st birthdays...where in the world does the time go? On Friday we went to Harpers first birthday playgroup/party. It really is funny how crazy things get when babies start to crawl and walk. We have one walker and a bunch of crawlers. The party was pure chaos, but so much fun. Here is a video from the party:
On Saturday we went to stay the night with Todd, Blanka, and Julia. Aunt Jill and Cousin Scott along with Craig were there too. These are some pictures that Blanka took. We also got some fantastic pictures, but unfortunately they were all wiped when the memory card was removed to download the pics at Todd's house. Annabelle was quite funny when put next to Julia. She tried to hold her hand and touched her face....she came dangerously close to poking Julia's eye out too. Yikes!
Julia and Annabelle:

Todd and Paul (holding Julia)

Tonight we had to lower the crib. Annabelle ALMOST pulled herself into a stand and it scared mom to death. SO, down the mattress went. We just can't believe how quickly our little girl is growing. It goes by so quickly.