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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wrapping Presents

Mom was wrapping presents last night (yes, she is on the ball!). Annabelle LOVED the crinkly paper...wouldn't stop playing with it. She was very curious about all of the paper. We just love watching her discover something new everyday.

Tonight Auntie Mary gets in for a visit. She is Annabelle's Godmother for those of you who don't know. We are excited about her coming! We will get our Christmas tree and decorate this weekend. So, she will be here in time for Annabelle to decorate her first tree!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Book Club

Today mom hosted a book club meeting. We read "The Year of Magical Thinking" by Joan Didion. We discussed the book for about 20 min before we reverted back to talking about poop, solids, sleeping patterns, and teeth. Oh well....we tried.

Annabelle continues all of the same things that I posted about the last few days. We still think she is teething. Today, her naps were all turned around for some reason. Just when you think you have her figured out, she'll change things up on you.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Visiting Santa!

Today we went to the mall so Annabelle could meet Santa for the first time. She was VERY into his beard and it was actually pretty difficult to get her to smile at the camera...and when she finally looked towards the camera she smiled at me, not at the camera. Oh was still cute. We also did some Christmas shopping. It was a good day to go...the mall was not crowded.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a really nice Thanksgiving weekend. On Thursday Aunt Betty arrived on the train from New York City. We drove to Todd and Blanka's house for dinner. As usual, the food was good. This was the first time that Paul met Julia, Todd and Blanka's new baby girl. Also, it was the first time that cousins Scott, Mary Beth, and Jaime met Annabelle.

We stayed over and on Friday, I prepared breakfast. After chowing down yet again, we all drove back home. Aunt Betty came back with us and stayed the night. On Friday we walked around a bit down in Old Town and then went over to Goody and Poppy's house for dinner. On Saturday morning Aunt Betty got up with Annabelle and let mom and dad sleep in. It was great. After hanging out a bit at home, we all went to Arlington Cemetary to visit Paul's Grandfather's grave. Then it was to the train station so Aunt Betty could go home. We'll miss her on Sunday morning!

As for Annabelle, we believe she's teething. After spending months of sleeping through the night, she is now waking us up. Additionally, she is starting to get those drool rashes on her face and chin. She sometimes crys like she is in pain and we feel so bad we can't fix it.
She is also starting to get into remotes, phones, and keys. If all else fails, she'll play with one of those.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Loves My Hair

Annabelle has recently been into my hair. She stares at it and pulls at it. When I hold her, she grabs onto it. It would be funny if it didn't hurt so much.
Today we went to the mall. It was pouring raining out and I was getting a little stir crazy. So, I bundled up the little one and out we went. It would have been a good day for Christmas shopping had I been organized. The mall was almost empty.
Annabelle was a good girl while we were out...I think she is a born shopper!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

She's a stinker!

Well, we took Annabelle in for her 6mo appt yesterday, shots included. She is doing very well...she is on the smaller side. 25% for height and weight and 50% for head circumference. That's cool with me. Although it may seemed biased, I like babies on the smaller side! She did OK with the shots at the time, but has been a cranky pants ever since. She has refused to take naps and she kept us up all night last night. I'm hoping she sleeps better tonight...we are exhausted.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Quiet Day

Today was a peaceful Sunday. Dad and Annabelle hung out and watched football while mom went out and ran some errands. Did some more playing with Annabelle on the floor. We are trying to give her time on the floor so she can practice her scooting and sitting up. She is doing pretty well.

We are also trying to show Bailey that Annabelle is above him in our pack. One way to do this is have Bailey receive food from Annabelle. So, we put a doggy treat in her hands and he takes it. Don't worry! Bailey is gentle. Here is a picture of her and Bailey together.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Picture Time!

Yesterday I took Annabelle and got her Christmas pictures taken. They did a pretty good job. I think the pictures tired her out because for the rest of the day she was cranky. Here are 2 of the pictures they took.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dreary Day

Well, it was such a dreary, rainy day out today. We were going to go to the movies ( ) but decided against it. Instead, we stayed inside and played. We played on the floor. Annabelle is starting to try to scoot to get things. So, I laid her down on a blanket and put some blocks in front of her. She tried to scoot to get them. Then she learned all she really has to do is pull the blanket towards her and she can get the blocks that way.

Then we played with the bubbles again. She is really enthralled with them.

Tonight we decided to try rice cereal. I'm not quite sure if she liked it or not. She took a few spoonfuls before she gagged. Oh well, we'll try again tomorrow night.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Night out for mom and dad!!!!!

Tonight we got a night out! Goody and Poppy babysat for us. We went to dinner and then saw Borat. Annabelle was a good girl for them. I know every parent is biased, but she is just so darn cute. Every time we go out and about, she woos anyone who peeks into her carseat. Today we went to Michaels and she was enthralled by all of the christmas decorations, especially the lit up trees. We are really looking foward to Christmas just to see how she will react.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Coffee Time..........

Today Annabelle and I went to coffee with some other moms. She was a good girl in the coffee shop. She is starting to just fall asleep on my shoulder which I absolutely love. She did it again today. I was holding her and she just slumped on my shoulder and went to sleep. So, we decided to go home...nap time was overdue. After a good nap, we played on the floor. I bought some bubbles from gymboree. These bubbles are awesome...last forever and don't leave any residue. So, you can play with them in the house. I think she liked them.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Another post tonight!

I am trying to experiment with this's all new to me. This post is really just to see how I can get pictures attached. I wanted to share Annabelle's Halloween picture. It was a lof of fun dressing her up, although she REALLY hated her halloween costume.

Getting on with it!

Ok...finally felt the final bit of guilt that our dear cousins Todd and Blanka have managed to send out their blog and here sits this one still. I'm working on it. Enough about that. From here on out, everyday either Paul or I will post something about Annabelle and what she has been up to.

Today she was a really good girl. I stayed home to get some things done around the house. She took 2 solid naps and at the end of the day, she fell asleep on my shoulder. I gave her a bath tonight. She doesn't get one everyday, though. For the first time she actually seemed to enjoy the water. She usually crys a little bit. But not tonight! She sat by herself and splashed the water with her hands. She tried to play with the rubber yellow ducky too.

She continues to love her exersaucer, and mommy is glad because it gives her time to get something done.

Some of you have asked how she is doing with Bailey and vice versa. Well, she laughs at him and tries to pull his beard. He reacts by licking her all over.

That's all for tonight!