August has a been a fun and busy month! I took a girl's weekend with some mom's group friends on the first weekend. We ate, slept, watched movies, and even managed some shopping and spa treatments. It was very relaxing. The rest of the month has been spent getting ready for the baby! I thought that wouldn't be a whole lot of work, but it's more work than getting ready for one! We had to get Annabelle's new room finished and that meant transitioning to a big girl bed...a cute little toddler bed. Annabelle took what was our guest room, so we painted the room and the furniture that was in it. I am still working on getting things for the wall. Annabelle had a few rough days transisitoning to her new room but she is good to go now! Then we had to get down all of the baby clothes out of the attic and wash them and get ready for the baby. There are just a few more small things we need to get done and we will then be ready!
Other times in August have been spent spending time with friends and family. We recently celebrated Goody's birthday. Annabelle's vocabulary and her ability to communicate with us is expanding at fast pace. I'm shocked everyday by the new things she says or does. She loves taking care of her babies, still loves to read, and generally wants to stay at the playground 24/7. She can sing her ABCs and count to 10. Another favorite song is twinkle twinkle little star and Happy birthday. In the morning when she wakes up, before you go into her room, you can hear her singing ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
September promises to be no less busy with the impending arrival of Annabelle's baby sister. We plan on starting a new blog that fits this new phase in life and we'll send out the link to that when it's time. We are doing our best to get Annabelle ready but I have a feeling she won't really understand until she's here. I think Annabelle's biggest adjustment will be no more daycare. Fortunately, we have her enrolled in preschool which will be two mornings a week. That way, she'll still get some interaction with kiddos her age in a school like environment. I think it's important to get kids socialized and she seems to flourish with this type of thing.
Here are some pictures from this month:
Cleaning up her baby's poo poo (she said it, not me):

Big Girl Bed